Helicopter game

Community calendar for week of Sept. 3 - Understanding Parkinson's Disease 1:30 to 2:30 pm Tuesday, Sept. 8, Wyndemere Senior Living Community, 200 Wyndemere Circle, Wheaton. Free. Do Fairfax's higher fare bus lines make a profit? - When big portions of the cost aren't borne by the driver, but are by the rider, of course there are market distortions. WRT Abe's comment, true passenger Signups and Tryouts - Choice of paths include "Easy Rider Course" or "Tour de Hook Course.". Entry fees are $25 for children 12 and under, $50 for adults and $100 for entire Yee-ha and soo-ee! It's Evergreen State Fair time - Specials include ages 15 and younger free, today and Sept. 3 only; ages 62 and older, free admission Aug. 31 only; $2 admission before 2 pm Sept. September calendar - Features crafts, a small carnival, musical entertainment of all styles, a car show, food, an Apple Daze in the park, contests, games. Free. Area calendar - Admission is free to the public. The festival includes Cajun and other kinds of food, carnival rides and games, free live music, arts-and-crafts show, Horsing around can be therapeutic and fun - A walking horse, with its warm body, stimulates the muscles that the rider would use while walking." Chris O'Keefe, 18, of Wexford, had a number of back Dolphins fans find a home at Duffy's - For $69, riders will get round-trip transportation to Land Shark Stadium, a ticket for the game and a boxed lunch. Shuttles leave three hours before kickoff Things to do, places to go - Kids 3 and younger are admitted free. There will be food, games, a beagle parade, a costume contest for the dogs and blessing of the animals. The Hot Button: Who's the biggest dud in local sports? - For Tech, used to never be able to get ACC tickets the day of the game. That should say enough. 2-14 in conference? Are we the Duke of Football? Preview calendar: Special events, theme parks and comedy for Sept. 3-9 - 27; Armada Drive, between Cannon and Palomar Airport roads, Carlsbad; free (tastings event, from 2 to 5 pm Sept. 26, will have a separate fee); 760-436-2828 Town of Orono, UMaine to collaborate on events - Fans can travel to the 7 pm football game on the free shuttle, which will alter its hours to accommodate those going to and from the game.

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