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Cell phone bank bandit foiled by teller - Police say around 9:20am, the man approached the teller with a note demanding money, but the teller hit an alarm that sent him scurrying from the scene. Corey Kilgannon/The New York Times - One, with everything, I yelled, then fumbled for money stowed deep in the kayak hatch. The vendor, Alex Calota, tossed the familiar foil package and Have-a-go heroes foil robber - and the suspected robber has been arrested by police. Shaken shop owner Antony Camilton said: "The till fell on the floor as he tried to take money from it.Michigan coach left defending doing his job - is that Michigan hires one of those fancy law firms that saw how much money could be had by getting into the business of foiling the over-matched NCAA. VH1 Reality Show Contestant/Murder Suspect Found Dead - Her fingers had been cut off in order to foil efforts to identify her; likewise her teeth had been pulled. But authorities were able to identify her body Nassau BABs Deal Follows Trend of Longer Maturities - Tax regulations foil what would otherwise be a profitable arbitrage strategy, he said. Internal Revenue Service code section 265 eliminates some of the tax Spike's new action-packed series 'Surviving Disaster' a likely hit - Tuesday night's opener, however, is a little different, because it provides instructions on how to foil an airplane hijacking. China Grove bank robbed - In response to the bank robbery, lockdowns were imposed at China Grove elementary and middle schools Friday morning, according to Rita Foil, Stronger Prospects for the President on a Health Care Bill - It's standard journalism to cover the political fights among elected officials/parties, however, that's not what's foiling health reform. Big Hitter: DVD Thoughts, My Zipcar Debacle, and a Tort Video! - But I ask you, dear reader, will the same rules apply to Zipcar for foiling my screening plans? Will they fine themselves on my behalf? Will my money be Think of the environment when packing children's school lunches - Individually wrapped items should be avoided and foil and clingfilm used sparingly. County councillor Alan Cockburn (Con, Kenilworth St John's) is Series of raids by Pakistan police foil attacks - Karachi police officer Fayyaz Khan said that raid provided rare intelligence on how drug money is transferred among Muslim extremist groups cooperating to

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