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Slippery slope supplies a field of screams at World Series - To ride their creation, the Georgians charged older kids a quarter each. They earned $3. But they let the little kids go down it for free, one of their LA turns on the lights and takes back the nights - They ran on the soccer fields, spun on skateboards and held hands on the concrete steps that faced the baseball diamond. Some of the neighborhood old-timers Upper Township Community News - The event will include food, games for kids, 50/50 contest, a bucket auction, a dog parade and a best dressed dog contest. All breeds of dogs are welcome. Recreation opportunities abound in Portales - Dairy Fest: Hamburgers, dairy foods, dairy-related informational exhibits and kids games, and concert, all for $1. The annual event is sponsored by local We got Marlins, We got Smoltz, We got Minor - He's one of seven kids. (Wow.) His dad told me Minor was on a skateboard at 18 months. Huh? I asked it again, and he said yes, 18 months. Why are Swedes leading mobile development? - The next, eagerly awaited game was Touchgrind, a version of 'finger skateboarding' for the mobile. By this time we had really good contacts with Apple and Weekend Events - The event includes trophies, food, door prizes, a 50/50 raffle and games for kids. Registration is $8 per vehicle in advance or $10 on show day. More on Mondays, a weekly list of family events in Naperville - Naperville Park District, Naperville Police and KidsMatter are sponsoring a free picnic lunch for all skaters. Character Skateboard of Chicago will perform Briefs: Robbie & Tony Fish Fry in West Dundee - Games of bags, ladder toss, free-throw contests, bike safety tips and a skateboard contest are part of the fun. For more information, call Paul Bednar, Skateboarding comes out from underground - In August, The New York Times reported that more kids skateboard than play Little League baseball. ESPN last month broadcast the X Games, a biannual extreme Skateboard and BMX competition rolls into Doral - For information, log onto gatorade-free-flow-tour.com. Call 305-599-2172. The Miami Stringrays under-18 softball team won the Florida Sunshine Games last Young BMX cyclist riding high - Five years ago, he was introduced to BMX cycling, a sport which resembles skateboarding on a vert ramp . . . but with a bike. "My parents say if I'm into

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