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Five of the best XBOX 360 original songs - Play Portal off the Orange Box or Xbox Live Arcade game Portal: Still Alive and you'll totally love this song. The song has bred a culture in itself, /CORRECTION -- Frito-Lay/ - In the news release, "Doritos and Microsoft Team Up to Put Creative Control of Upcoming Xbox LIVE Arcade Game in People's Hands," issued 31-Aug-2009 by Castle Crashers is Best Selling & Top Rated XBLA Game - According to Microsoft's Filtered XBLA List Castle Crashers is the top rated, and best selling Xbox LIVE Arcade title as of September 1st, 2009.The Top Xbox 360 Games, According to The XBL Community Part Deux - Late last month, we ran a piece on the top Arcade, Game Add-on, Games on Demand, and Indie Games, as voted on by the Xbox Live Community. Another dual-stick shooter? Ion Assault XBLA preview - Ion Assault adds a few interesting mechanics to the standard dual-stick shooter on the Xbox Live Arcade, and massive boss battles don't hurt either. Gameloft Sells Over 6 Million Games on App Store - Gameloft games are also available to players on WiiWare, DS,Microsoft's Xbox LIVE Arcade and PCs. Partnership agreements with leading licensors and sports Sonic & Knuckles Releasing on XBLA September 9 - Shacknews reports the classic Genesis game will hit Xbox Live Arcade a week from Wednesday, and it'll include the bonus content you could unlock in the New Tony Hawk: RIDE Screenshots Inside - The game will release on Nov. 17 for the playstation 3, Xbox 360 and Wii. You can check out the screens above and below of the game, and see them all in the Review: `Madden NFL 10' is franchise's best yet - for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 "Madden" versions, it further pushed its Wii version ($49.99) away from a sim into a family friendly arcade game. The better and slimmer PS3 - The 360 Elite's price has been cut down to $299 to replace the 360 Pro's original price, leaving just the Elite and $199 Arcade models on the Xbox 360 front Vote for Sega's next XBLA game - The poll features seven Megadrive games and all you have to do is vote for the one you want to be released on Xbox Live Arcade. Sonic & Knuckles coming to XBLA - And now it's coming to Xbox Live Arcade. We don't have game cartridges any more, but through what can only be described as pure magic, the XBLA version of

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