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Icahn-led group approved for Tropicana ownership - owned an Atlantic City casino. His Tropicana purchase is strikingly similar to the way he bought the now-defunct Sands Casino Hotel in a 2000 bankruptcy Atlantic City Casino Revenue Down 12.7% In July - A new casino in Bethlehem, Pa., by gaming giant Las Vegas Sands (LVS), is shaping up to be a major threat to the island town, given it's less than 100 miles River Rock Entertainment Authority Appoints Scott Garawitz Chief - Mr. Garawitz also held various positions at Trump Plaza and the Sands in Atlantic City, NJ as well as the Marriott Marquis in Times Square Manhattan, NY. Weather History: August 27: Record Heat, Cold, Severe Storms - A late season heat wave was underway from parts of the Great Lakes, Ohio Valley to the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast. Other daily records included: Huntington, Atlantic City Isn't Playing With a Full Deck - Competitors include companies that don't operate in Atlantic City, such as Las Vegas Sands, which recently opened a slots-only casino in Bethlehem, Pa., Find high style in the High Atlas - Suites it may have, but this is no hotel; Jacqueline has created a traditional Berber home, which welcomes visitors but is part of the community. Cape Town gig guide - August 14, 2009 - Hammer The Masses Vol 2 with Betray the Emissary and Reverse the Sands at Stones, Tableview. Tel: 021 556 2756. Pickled Wullie at Fogey's Railway House, Gambling on Expectations - I'm not sure if sell-side analysts got caught up in irrational exuberance over the Not Vegas casino companies. By contrast, Las Vegas Sands (NYSE: LVS) and In Macao, Betting on a Poker Boom - In 2008, the city's casinos reported revenue of $16 billion, compared with $12 billion for Vegas and $5 billion for Atlantic City. Howard Dreitzer moves up, becomes Tribe's gaming COO - US casino executive work included at Harrah's Casino in New Orleans, the Atlantic City Showboat Hotel & Casino and the Trump Plaza in Atlantic City, NJ. Second-quarter Atlantic City casino profit plunges 20 percent - The new offerings include the Sands Casino Resort, which opened in Bethlehem in May. For the first six months this year, Atlantic City's gross operating Historically Speaking: Brooklyn's Radio Days - The aforementioned WVFW at 1430 kilowatts began in 1926 as WARS broadcasting from the Shelburne Hotel in Brighton Beach as The Voice of the Atlantic.

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