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The Cup Countdown: Number 7 - leaving Harrell and Crabtree free to play a leisurely game of pitch and catch while the Ole Miss secondary stumbles around helplessly, yakety Pencil This In: Gypsy Jazz, Cantonsville Nine at The Actors Gang - The game of cat-and-mouse begins. All seats are $27 tonight (includes opening reception). The play runs through Sept. 27. Rising jazz singer and songwriter Call It Capitalism - At this point we're not even 25 pages in, and Doc hasn't yet been contacted by the widow of Coy Harlingen, who used to play the saxophone in an experimental Prisoner leads tunes for peers doing time - "I grew up playing the saxophone. (Limbrick) will get on there and play it better than me" inmate Fred Hill says. "He can play bass. He can play guitar, Music educator Creque influenced Jessye Norman - Her son Timothy has played his saxophone all over the world for such music stars as Percy Sledge and Wilson Pickett and comedian Bill Cosby. Atlanta Braves---Making a move - What's more, they were staring down three more games against the best team in baseball and the proposition quickly became clear: getting swept at Dodger N. Phila. man convicted in rec center killing - Assistant District Attorney Richard said Gay faced a maximum of 16 to 32 years in prison, including a mandatory minimum of five years for using a gun in Cody considers hunting on city land - Game warden Craig said deer and cottontail rabbits are hunted in the area, with rabbit season generally running from September through February. Cody to allow hunting on undeveloped land along river - Game warden Craig has said that using shotguns or bowhunting would be ineffective for controlling deer in the area, with any hunting of deer using MARK BENNETT: An atmosphere of pure joy and the blues - Some would lobby for tipoff time at the Wabash Valley Pizza Hut Classic championship game to hold that title, or demolition derby night at the Vigo County Psychological issues are no longer taboo - The game can be so unyielding, he said, and so seem so unfair. It can really suck at times, Fielder said. Twenty-one years earlier, Ken Griffey Jr.(notes) HIGH SCHOOL HOMETOWN: Band Grows Dramatically In Six Years - We play at football games, basketball games, several concerts throughout the year. They see these kids having a good time and they want to be a part of it,"

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