Poker players are trash

Carillon comes back to Lancaster - Adult and teen entertainment will include volleyball and softball games and party favorites such as cornhole. Kotora said all families need to bring to the FLORENCE-ROEBLING NEWS: From the Sept. 3 edition - 13, at the Church Picnic Grove from noon to 6 pm Music will be provided by John Stanky and the Coalminers. All the favorite foods including kolbas, Comedian Kyle Cease at The Hett - After the parade, here will be a big picnic at Hough Park for the union members and their families. The picnic is not open to the public. Calendar for the week of September 3 - Be ready to renew old friendships with classmates and also make new friends during the fifth annual Samuel Ayer High School Picnic on Saturday, Sept. Entertainment listing (updated Thursday, Sept. 3) - Picnic/concert The Front Porch Cafe celebrates its first anniversary with a picnic dinner 6-7 pm and concert featuring Jill Jack 7 pm Friday Sept. Community calendar for week of Sept. 2 - School tour and game, 5 pm Friday, Westmont High School, 909 N. Oakwood Drive. Family Day picnic, Saturday, Lions Park, northeast corner of Chicago and Community picnic to highlight Merry Lea's Native American heritage - The picnic is a family-friendly event. During the adult presentation, children will have the opportunity to play Miami games. Canoes are available from 7 pm A Nebraska State Fair how-to - Leave coolers and picnic baskets at home. No bottles, cans, coolers, or picnic baskets are permitted on the grounds. 7. Take your camera. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (PG) - Take a guided hike through the Kannally Wash and have a picnic at the Windmill with the Friends of Oracle State Park. Details: 11 am-1:30 pm; 3820 Wildlife Community Notes - Bring a picnic lunch, drink and wrapped gift for the afternoon auction. The Greene County Habitat for Humanity groundbreaking for the Linton-Stockton It's Happening Here - 12 at Southampton Correctional Farm picnic pavilion on Route 308. Registration fee is $3 per accompanying adult. Youth attend for free. Church briefs: Aug. 29, 2009 - Our evening Christian Women's Fellowship is sponsoring the annual Church Picnic on Sunday, August 30 at Deming Park. We will meet at the Lion's Shelter No.

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