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The real reason for all those louts on holiday - I have a question to ask, why is preventing such yobs to take over the country always the government's task? where in the hell are the parent's of such The N13 billion nanny - All dis things affect d common man pass weda dem give nanny money wey e neva pay. God know all dis people mind and him punishment de wait for dem. My own b Today in the Bloggernacle - A wonderful example of this is "Ward Envy, Part II" where one woman gives money to another woman who needed it at that exact moment and they both bear JOURNAL: Professional Pride in an Environment with No Rules - "To trade by means of money is the code of the men of good will. Money rests on the axiom that every man is the owner of his mind and his effort. Stage Raw: Tombs of the Vanishing Indian - Both have always identified themselves as straight: Callie's got her friend-with-benefits George (Christan Anderson), who she assumes she'll marry once they Huckabee: ObamaCare would have abandoned Kennedy - Make my day. OK, Jay, so you believe that Obama care will pay $500000 to 600000 for every 75 year old to have the level of care TK did? L-rd! Bern Nix: A History In Harmolodics - I can admire the boxes, [the use of effects] pedals, but I always have a certain sound in my mind, or an idea of the sound that I want. Poodle's bite may yet wound the government - Then there was the little thing; they're the ones that always get you in politics. In the same news cycle Pyne discovered that Gillard had quietly altered How condoms for men could be a thing of the past - I can change my skin color to whatever I like as long I have my money ready but my genes is always going to link me back to my race. Shallow Thoughts & Nearsighted Observations - Defenses won't be able to roll coverages to Evans so easily, and I expect to see the best statistics of his career in 2009. l. My girlfriend officially Television movies for the week of Aug. 30 - 1 AM (CC) A Beautiful Mind '01. Russell Crowe. Mathematics genius John Forbes Nash Jr. has paranoid schizophrenia but becomes a Nobel laureate late in Pro-Vicar criticises Mgr Vella on divorce - Mgr Gouder says it is incorrect to say that children of cohabiting couples have no identity, since the law has always catered for the status of children