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Companiile de credite de consum si-au adancit pierderile - a declarat Traian Baicu, directorul general al TBI Credit. Pe locul doi in clasamentul pierderilor se afla Ralfi IFN, companie a grupului GE Money, Further reflections on a golden space era - AT&T (American Telephone and Telegraph) would oversee certain test functions and General Electric (GE) would look over the shoulders of Apollo contractors Complimentary Analyst Research for General - As of Sunday, 08-23-2009 23:59, the latest Comtex SmarTrend Alert, an automated pattern recognition system, indicated an UPTREND on 12-03-2008 for GE Reason no 12867 why not to vote Tory: the NHS - I think the only thing that would stop me voting UKIP at the GE would be if Hannan was chosen to take over from Ancram in my constituency. Kelly mcparland: The target is Obama, the victim is health care - Why does it seem every member of the Obama advisory team hates capitalism, unless those companies (like GE) are in bed with the administration? Three Little Piggies - Will Immelt be using TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) money to finance this wonderful investment? Since late last year, GE Credit has raised billions in Co-written by Qasim Khan & Tyler DeBoer - GE has $450B+ of short-term debt to be rolled over, an $8B immediate payment required in the event of a GECC credit rating cut, a TA/TCE leverage ratio of Transcript: Harvey Pitt - If what you want to do is revitalize the credit markets, you can't really achieve that by giving the money to the very firms that created the economic mess The Most Powerful Banker You've Never Heard of - Over the years, Kaden has advised corporate chieftains, including Ford Motor's Bill Ford and General Electric's (GE) Jack Welch (now a BusinessWeek SLOW TRAIN TO HELL - The Fed propped up hundreds of billions of dollars of bonds in GE because they were deemed to be worthy, which is odd because they aren't really that much Motoractive IFN si-a majorat capitalul social cu 60% - GE Money a intrat pe piata din Romania in 2006 prin achizitionarea a trei companii specializate in servicii financiare non-bancare: Leasemart Holding BV FTC to Enforce Red Flags Identity Theft Rule Nov. 1 - In October, the Jewelers Vigilance Committee (JVC) will release its Red Flags Rule Compliance Kit on CD, sponsored by GE Money.