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Horses: Standards set for the future - Ian Fearon, Horse Sport Ireland (HSI) pony showjumping high performance coach and Ireland's chef d'equipe, described the team and individual results as Caistor rider Charlotte takes Ice Cool win - In the Pony Club Championships at Draycott House, Derbyshire covering dressage and dressage to music, showjumping, eventing, mounted games and polocrosse -- Publishers Weekly, 8/31/2009 - During one of Lacey's riding lessons, Serena meets divorced horse farm owner Logan Murphy, whose 12-year-old daughter, Paige, needs a new nanny for the Pony club members are tough riders, devoted caretakers - Competitive horse riding is unlike any other sport, said Lora Blair, the club's district commissioner. "With football or baseball you can put your bat or More Para dressage medals for Birdlip-based Laurens - Poppy, 15, was riding her horse Lythill Rough Diamond and finished on a score of 32.50 penalties. Poppy received the 'Shea L'eau trophy, presented by Mrs J Niall 'Slippers' Madden itching to get back to action - He added: "There was a couple of ponies at home and I started doing cross country, show jumping and hunter trials. I did flat in pony racing for half a Buzzer calamity sounds pentathlon alarm - Moreover, those moments of madness on the show jumping course have cost the organisers of British pentathlon a great deal. The only hope pentathlon had of Rainbow Riders clear hurdles - During formal inspection in the Horse Management (HM) category, focal points of adjudication were centered on the Dressage, Show Jumping and Cross Country Metro Digest - CANFIELD The Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Futurity Show, an American Quarter-Horse-approved show, will take place Sept. 26-27 at the Canfield Fairgrounds. Kia Ora: The zoo gets zooey - Eventing is a horsing event in three parts, dressage, show jumping and cross country. Dressage came about from military maneuvers, and traditional dressage Check game calendar - From 1989-2003, Powell served in various capacities as a horse trainer and riding instructor. After leading her own training business in Arizona with Riding Dobbs Defends Nicolock Time Challenge Title On Opening Day Of - in a record-setting field for the event at the 34th Hampton Classic Horse Show. It was a spectacular beginning to a week's worth of show jumping,

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