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Empire plans Musical Movie Series, Budweiser Blues, more - Empire Arts Center in downtown Grand Forks is planning a nine-month Musical Movie Series beginning Sept. 8 with a showing of My Fair Lady, plus a series Jason Rolland, Grand Forks, letter: Thanks for supporting - GRAND FORKS A big thanks to all the kids in the community who came out for an evening of fun and games at Elks Pool in support of a fundraiser for the Things We Wish We Knew When We Were Freshmen - Underage shows happen routinely at Grand Little Theater and Nate's Dungeon (a hardcore basement venue). Being a student affords you several discounts around Movie Review: Inglourious Basterds - Quentin Tarantino takes another fork in his oeuvre with his latest film, Inglourious Basterds set "Once upon a time in Nazi occupied France " It twists Walking Ithaca - If corporate culture is more your style, a block further on Green Street you'll find the new indie movie theater and an Urban Outfitters and a block back on Cheap Date - If you take that second date to the movies, East Grand Forks's River Cinema keeps their ticket prices student-friendly at $6.50 for evening shows and $4.50 MOVIES: Film series brings 'Casablanca' to Empire Arts Center tonight - The 1942 classic movie starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman will be shown tonight in Empire Arts Center, Grand Forks, as part of the Art & Democracy Walla Theater may be placed on National Register - One agenda item updating Grand Forks' RS Blome Granitoid Pavement listing in the National Register of Historic Places has been moved to the Oct. 30 Calendar 8/27 to 9/6/09 - 8 pm Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the South Fork meetinghouse, 977 Bridgehampton/Sag Harbor Turnpike. $15. 899-3181. Previews of Every Single Thing Happening at the Festival - stuck a fork in a light socket, and not in a good way. JSL (Mon, 7:30 pm, Fisher Green) This fucking fantastic Malian musician has brought the guitar back THE LIST: DVD release party . . . Fun at Turtle River - The DVD was recorded at Empire Arts Center in Grand Forks. Admission: $1 or a food item for the local food shelf. Saturday near Arvilla, ND: Turtle River Adventures in Cheese Snob Land: Finding Other Diversions - Amboise`s rooms were spacious and the period furniture allowed me to visualize myself in a time before forks had been invented.

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