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Game Over: Ultimate gamer competion held on campus - The Cat's Den followed up on their NCAA tournament success with a Nintendo Super Smash Brothers Brawl Tournament on Tuesday night. Greg Chandler, Cat's Den Star Wars Coming to the Wii - Personally, I want to see LucasArts' back catalog of N64 games show up on VC. Specifically Shadows Of The Empire, Episode 1: Racer, and, of course, Rare Teases Perfect Dark Xbox Live High-Def Shots - If you're like me and don't have a spare Nintendo 64 lying around, you'll have a chance to see what all the fuss was about when the Xbox Live Arcade The 10 Most Abysmal Superhero Videogames - The title centers around combat, something most gamers would happily embrace if it weren't for an extremely jittery and weightless combat system. Sucked in by a diabolical game - There probably has been no game in recent memory that I was as frantic to get my hands on as Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box for the Nintendo DS, 5 Biggest Game Console Battles - Even though Nintendo was churning out smash hit after smash hit -- Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, GoldenEye 007, StarFox 64, and even Perfect Dark -- the [ DimXD2077's blog ] - But I play too many other kinds of game these days. Here I have my and Xbox games. Having had the since I was very small, a lot of the cardboard Building the perfect set-top box - The worst online service of any console. The POS Xbox 360: * Stupid P2P networking for online games forcing player counts to joke sizes. Chat with Page 2's Patrick Hruby - What about Major League Baseball featuring Ken Griffey Jr for the ? There was a code to hit an auto HR with Griffey and I remember scoring 120 runs in XBLA: Doom II Hell on Earth - No story, some music tracks and Nintendo 64 graphics. By your standards this game is a pile of crap, but you'd be mistaken.So, how can you say a games skill Wii Sports Resort Tops 1 Million in US Sales - (BUSINESS WIRE)--According to Nintendo's internal tracking figures, sales of the Wii Sports Resort game have surpassed 1 million copies in the United Have You Seen These Nintendo B Franchises? - Star Fox certainly came into it's own one the , becoming an instant classic. I know that the more recent games in the series haven't exactly been up to

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