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Militarizing the Homeland - The latter turn tax-payer-funded combat simulators into first-person shooters that, in effect, pre-train youngsters in small-unit military tactics and Review: Rainbow Six Vegas 2 - Wie sich Kenner vom ersten Teil von RSV das gewohnt sind, kann man sich in der N臧e eines Trrahmens an die Mauer lehnen, wobei aus der 1st person view in Sony's PlayStation 3 Slim Launch with Aggressive USD299 Pricing - And how about Wii's extensive choice of add-ons companion like a steering wheel for Mario Kart Wii, gun attachments for first-person shootersetc. Dead Space: Extraction Is Gold, Pre-Order Bonuses Detailed - Extraction is a first-person rail shooter - err, sorry, "first person guided experience" - that serves as a prequel to the PS3/PC/Xbox 360 Dead Space Scioto County Ohioans Fighting Pain Pill Abuse - There is not a person in Southern WV who would not change a tire for George Jones if his bus broke down that ought to tell you something. Signups and Tryouts - Tackle football is open to kids entering and 2nd grade in the fall. This is the youngest tackle football available in Monmouth County. CCP unveil FPS DUST 514 at GDC Europe - DUST 514, featuring first-person shooter and RTS-style gameplay, will interact directly with EVE Online, CCP's critically acclaimed flagship MMO. Flip on Gilbert, Wizards, Summer Mingling - I am not the type of person who settles for 2nd place. What? I'm a notorious optimist. Heck, I predict we win 200 games this season. Dreamkiller: trailer for 'hideous & disturbing' FPS - Aspyr Media & Mindware Studios are brewing up a psychological First Person Shooter which they're billing as "hideous and disturbing. Sony's first move: Cut current PS3 to $299? - OMG you like puzzle games but not this game I like? It's another view on preference. For the record, 1st person shooters better on PC than console unless CrimeCraft debuts today - Matt McEnerny , an executive producer of the game, coined a new acronym for CrimeCraft, calling it a PWNS (Persistent World Next-gen Shooter). South Africa's NAG LAN sells out in just three days - it out against one another in a variety of multiplayer games, from shooters to RTSs. Tickets for this year's LAN event went on sale on August ,

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