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LOST PLANET 2 DEMO IMPRESSIONS - Now to the main point of what made the first game so exciting: mechs. The mechs or VS (vital suits) - have returned in large numbers in this demo. What Are You Reading? - Our guest this week is Ivan Brandon, whose prose you may have come across in books like NYC Mech, 24Seven or the new Image series Viking. GC 2009: Front Mission: Evolved Preview - The customisation and online play options are going to be critical to its reception with the more hardcore mech-game audience. Visually it's not as detailed XBLA REVIEW: Shadow Complex - After some more shooting, I was left with one soldier in the background and the mech enemy directly to my right. The game assumed that I wanted to kill the Loyal Fans Lament As Chromehounds Winds Down Online Service - From Software is also the developer of the long-lasting mech series, Armored Core. Chromehounds began as a relatively popular online game, but users have Avatar Day has been. - Not entirely what we were led to believe would be shown (no game trailer, only a brief part of the teaser trailer that aired online the day before, Classic gameplay for a modern age: Ars reviews Shadow Complex - I haven't found all the items, I haven't seen the entire map, and I've barely mastered all the powers the game grants you in my first playthrough. Lost Planet 2 krijgt 19 augustus een demo - Verwacht laser guns en grote mech suits om je te helpen met het verslaan van het enorme insect. Over demo's voor de andere platformen werd niet gesproken. Volgend jaar niet meer online game met Chromehounds - De stekker wordt er namelijk volgend jaar op 6 januari uitgetrokken, waardoor het niet meer mogelijk is om de game online te spelen. Lost Planet 2 Co-Op Demo Coming August 19th - Among the new weapons will be a mech that up to three players will be able to ride together. The demo is also meant to show off the relative openness of 'iMech' Flying Dino's Online Deathmatch 3rd Person Shooter - iMech is a 3D, over-the-shoulder style combat game that puts the player in control of one of three different mech vehicles to engage in online battles of up Champions Online: The Beta - I think this might've been the game Cryptic was trying to make all along. There's a clear lineage from City of Heroes, but Champions Online is bigger and

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