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Class Action: Last-Minute Tuition Tips - No, not you and Dad. Ideally, your son or daughter can help their own cause by finding a job on or near campus for a few hours a week. Oregon's leadership in end-of-life care offers lessons for the - "And chances are, 'll tell you what she thinks." "Oregon is different," Jaques says. "We do a better job of thinking and talking about death and those Clip this: September is National Coupon Month - "I'm a stay-at-home , so I'm pretty religious when it comes to saving money," Ferry told me in a telephone interview. The mother of two children said EDITORIAL: Saving $100000: City's 4-Day Workweek a Success - One of the concerns had been that longer workdays for city staff would interfere with family schedules -- Where's ? It's dinner time! Back-to-school Part 2 - Family finance and "allowance" - ", may I have money for the snack machine?" With all the activities children participate in, they often want money for food, equipment, supplies, etc. Defending Paid Parental Leave - It covers any illness or disability to you or a primary member of your family (, dad, children, and only dependent elderly relatives) that goes after you Story posted to Web: Monday, Aug 31, 2009 10:43PM - The technologies can reduce a single truck's emissions by 85 percent saving money, saving fuel and improving the environment. And now, Cascade Sierra has UW Rock County Sees Record Enrollment - "My always told me, 'There's always a way to do it.' Financially, we could have done it but it would have been quite the burden to step right out of Saving on back-to-school shopping - "Basically, what we just got here were less supplies," Mary Jane Matter said after a shopping trip. Matter and her daughter Arriana are getting ready Saving Money By Saving Food - A KELOLAND put the products to the test. I have three boys, actually, so they keep me busy, and they definitely keep my grocery bill stocked, Holly Mom will remain as inspiration - And, she could save enough from the shopping money my father allocated her every other week and buy herself a new pair of shoes now and then. Don't break the bank this football season - Here are some money-saving football tips from ING Direct that can work in the parking lot, from the bleachers or on the couch. Tailgating? Don't go hungry,

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