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Venture investments in Bay Area startups still slow - Nationally, VCs invested $3.7 billion in 612 deals in the second quarter, according to the MoneyTree Report. The quarterly report is produced by 250GB Xbox 360 with Forza package spotted on - Reasonable if you have a money tree in the back yard. The 250GB is what sets it apart, clearly. Having twice the storage of your competitor is a nice Town workers must take two weeks of furlough - Do you think we have a money tree back there?" Councilman Shawn Pettit, D-6th, said. The council said it hasn't had a raise in its $16000 a year salary in Manchester United awarded biggest slice of Premier League - Manchester United remained on top of the Premier League's TV money tree last season, picking up the largest share of television revenue thanks to their Venture capital has long road to recovery in Florida - Venture investments reached $3.7 billion in the second quarter, up 15 percent from the first quarter, according to the most recent MoneyTree Report. Lawmakers blast T fare hike proposal - Hack's don't know how to "run" anything - only to keep going to the money tree and shaking it! Well, MBTA - the money tree is empty too! Sweet Charity Provides Just Desserts To Worthy Cause - One baker a little too nervous to eat was 9-year old Kiora Sanchez, who created a "Money Tree" cake for her mother's employer, Infinity Wealth Management. Lord Turner's answer to the financial crisis raises more questions - There's no free-money tree. Economies depend on countervailing tariff protection like populations depend on police, emergency medical services and the Funding from venture capitalists falls - of the economic downturn in the second quarter, as the amount of funding fell 31 percent to $276 million, according to the latest MoneyTree report. Blame the Governor for cuts, but save some ire for the weak-willed - The latest round of cuts bringing the total thus far to $736 million barely represents the top bough of what Annapolis obviously thinks is a money tree The New Mary Kay: Sell Shaping Undies, Make Bank? - Well, I've got a money tree in my backyard, and Ardyss planted it there! Woman at the convention said they're making tons from selling Ardyss products, Capitalism 101: The Money Tree - At this point, one might ask, "So, where did Ben get all the money to resuscitate those Wall Street wastrels?" Well, apparently, in Ben Bernanke's economic

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