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Governors' defections herald a galore of rumblings - But the whole madness stems from the shambolic attitude of Nigerian politicians to the issue of internal politics in the parties. From PDP to ANPP, Health care rage: Why all the angst? - Now I'm afraid, too afraid that we're slipping back into pre-election political madness. Sharon Schmickle writes about national and foreign affairs and First thoughts: Retooling time - "There's a method to the madness. We're getting out of this," said Brian Bethune, chief US financial economist at IHS Global Insight. Too Many Suds and Sobs: Wrigley Faithful Turn Angry - But by doing so, he might contribute to stopping the madness. "I just think he's probably sitting at home laughing and thinking he got away with it. The FanHouse Walk: Giving Football the Old College Handshake - It's well-meaning and doesn't necessarily do any harm, but this seems more for show than sincerity given the necessarily violent nature of the game. Kaka rescued by police, friendly brawl - Global - I know I made a mistake, it was a moment of madness and I lost it. I ask for forgiveness." Forgetfulness is not one of Craig Bellamy's most undesirable India pip Syria 1-0 for ONGC Nehru Cup - The visiting side played the second half with ten men after Wael Ayan felled Surkumar Singh in a moment of madness. It could have been worse had he gone Several contenders are heading down the stretch with unreliable - But before we all start buying into the Next A-Rod madness building around the 16-year-old Sports Illustrated cover boy, heed the words of one AL executive Villa Win Battle But Lose War! - Or I guess I could talk about the game?! Got to be honest, over the two legs, the right team won. We had our chances in both matches but on reflection and Ground: St James' Park, Newcastle - 5 Moment of madness from Ryan Taylor as he looks set to handle a cross into the box. He pulls his arm away at the last minute, but the Toon Army were Vogue Profiles Jenny Sanford - Media Madness is a column exploring web sites, media industry news, books, blogs, TV, video games and anything else in the media universe that strikes our 2009 Inky Award nominees announced - Downes chronicles the crew's descent into madness, the mysterious disappearances and the terrible deaths. But will he survive?

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