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Posada hits three-run homer to lead Yankees past Rangers, 9-2 - "All you can do is this game away and look towards tomorrow's game." NOTES: Rangers C Jarrod Saltalamacchia said he's still targeting Sept. Green Power Ranger enters MMA circuit - Ultimately, I want to give my fans something to watch and be proud of. Although no specifics were given, Suckerpunch stated that Jason Frank's first MMA Trend Watch: Himbos Are The Must-Have Fashion Accessory - From Dolce & Gabbana's boxing ring to Saks Fifth Avenue's basketball game to the infamous Calvin Klein denim orgy, fashionistas are finding that himbos in Michael Vick's Dog-Free Second Act - You should've served jail time and lost your burgeoning iconic status as a quarterback once you were convicted of bankrolling a dog fighting ring. Punt, Pass and Pick - With their and improved passing game (watch out for Bernard Berrian), Peterson and that defense, Minnesota is staring down the NFC Title. Logitech puts home entertainment smarts in the remote control for - Logitech has thrown its hat in the ring, and there will be others. Maybe we'll wake up one day and find that we love our remote controls more than our Kanawha County Man Convicted of Sexually Abusing His Friend's Child - Ring any bells? Posted By: Peace?: Did you ever notice that the ones who are always crying "peace" are the ones who just want to stir things up to make sure Wagner's focus is on a championship - However, he wants a World Series ring badly. Last week's trade to the Red Sox -- a loaded team in which he is more of a luxury item than a necessity Inside Knights Behind Enemy Lines - IK: What numbers do Knights' fans need to look out for as the game changers on the Bulldogs? MG: Offensively, watch for 4 and 6 Julian Casablancas Debuts Solo Album Cover, Songs Live in Japan - It's during that post-game section that Yorke will play an acoustic version of the Age of Stupid song. Last month, we told you about Invisible Girl, the Back at Harvard With a Title Ring And Another Year of Waiting - So he in his paperwork in 2006. That summer, he was assigned to Los Angeles, a town of 160000 in southern Chile. He did not watch football and he did Special to Page 2 - That's got some ring. Maybe people would want to go there. Ideal Government Program -- Build Clunkers, Then Immediately Junk Them: Can anyone explain

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