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The ins and outs of affordable dental care - Buy brushes, toothpaste and floss in bulk, patronize dental schools and don't hesitate to negotiate with a dentist for payment plans or discounts. Lincoln comes out against public option - Obama admin., which promised to do healthcare in the public eye and on C-Span, and negotiate with drug industry to lower prices and allow import of drugs Afghanistan Mission Creep Watch - The Condensed Version - We need to negotiate with every farmer we are purchasing the total crop from the farmers. We are willing to pay the distilled heroin price but we want the Paragraphs That Should Worry Liberals - But also when provider's contracts are up with insurers they negotiate those. Medicare doesn't negotiate. That's the difference. I'm also still searching If you want a personal loan, you'll need to be perfect - Many have interest-free deals on new cars, but if you take one you will pay the full list price rather than being able to negotiate a discount. Some good financial news for Dartmouth for once - She added that the town still has all of its municipal contracts, which expired June 30, to negotiate. The town realized an $809000 turn-back in its group The Employee Free Choice Act - A Status Report - Spencer: The central mission of the Workforce Freedom Initiative is to hold back some of the anti-growth and anti-employer agenda items that the unions have How the Sox Negotiate: A Look at the Non-Signing of Hunter Morris - The heightened price tag led the Sox, who felt it was important to hold a player to his word and not let him squeeze them for more money after a deal had Corporate Curmudgeon: Some negotiating tricks of the trade - So you say yes to the best of the offer, but hold back on the Big Yes, asking for a bit more. The goal is to keep offering alternatives, which brings us to Column: What's to Fear in Healthcare Reform? - Also, if we had single payer health insurance we could negotiate costs of medical care and help bring costs down. Frankly, I am tired of hearing about how Detroit teachers' union blocks strike action against wage cuts - WSWS: Obama has specifically said he would hold back economic stimulus money to school districts unless they opened the way for the expansion of charter School board considers negotiation teams - Let's lower that and save these folks money. If we can help them out, it's the first step to cutting back on fundraisers." "Just charge for the fuel and the

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