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Favorite Arcade Games and Where to Find Them - And still others have a Buck Hunter or Golden Tee game. And if you're lucky, you might even find a Galaga/Ms. Pac Man game on a tabletop or standing console How Did Adam 'Pacman' Jones Get His Nickname? - Just like - from the game, this Pacman is also running away from ghosts, but his are the ghosts of his past. The nickname will continue until it's SLACKERJACK 8-Bit Junkie - Admittedly it's almost identical to Music Catch, but that was a good game. And 8-Bit Junkie has got - in it, for crying out loud. Forty names, games, teams and minutiae making news in college - Best chance to pull an upset: none (the Big Ten is favored in every game). Best chance to be upset: Purdue at home against Toledo. -10 (29). Namco Bandai Announces Namco Sounds Music Label - (By the way, was - the first game with cutscenes?) Or maybe that really sweet remix of the theme that Orbital did a while back (check it out if you store to offer classic video games - With Pac Man, you keep playing, always trying to get a better score. The brothers will offer products ranging from Atari 2600 games and consoles up Daniel Kline: Taking it slow still worth it sometimes - Essentially, the information you could get electronically was pretty much limited to the cut scenes between levels in - (which, to be fair, Pixel perfect: Old video games re-created in real life - The games adapted include Tetris, -, and of course Pong. He even goes off the grid just a tad to bring us a pinball recreation. Rad. 'Pac-Man Remix' Colorful and New But Short on Gameplay - The 'Hard' setting adds to the challenge, but the game just feels too easy far easier than either - or Ms. -. And that certainly doesn't have Pac-Mac clears way for more Namco games on Android - - is one of the classic arcade games that are still enjoyed by gamers around the world. Namco has offered -Man games on platforms like the iPhone Top 5 Sports Stories - Winnipeg says they are not pursuing Pacman Jones. They want good athletes "on and off the field." The big names all cruised at the US Open. NFL notes: Haley taking charge in KC - APAdam "Pacman" Jones failed to catch on in the CFL. Adam Pacman Jones can't seem to find a job anywhere after his failed attempt to cross the border