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RA Sushi Meet Market and Stilett"O"s Opening Reception Tonight - Also there will be games for the kids. The party starts at 10:30 am and runs all day until just before dinner (4 pm). For more on the grill, visit them on 5 Biggest Game Console Battles - The Victors: Parents, who could finally send their kids outside to play, even if it just meant sitting in the grass, playing video games in the shade. Fun, free things to do this weekend - Games for all ages, rides, booths, food and entertainment. 513-531-3164. Shake your stuff at the Friday Night Dance Party, 6:30 to 10:30 pm, American Legion BET Unveils Its New Fall Programming Slate - From A-list celebrity guests to sizzling performances by the hottest musical artists in the game, Mo'Nique delivers viewers a -filled hour of First Cup: Wednesday - As we learned Monday, this is the everyone chooses first for pickup games." Langston Wertz Jr. of The Charlotte Observer: "Stephen Curry, End of summer splash bash kids party - Add flamingo or palm tree straws that can be found in party stores or online at Oriental Trading. Fruits platters and dips are always intriguing to kids WW2: Former evacuees look back - It was a large room, but we had no toys, games, books or radio. Fortunately it did have a lovely polished wooden floor. We amused ourselves by sliding in Lorain County Community College sets First Friday Forum - Family Day, 12-5 pm Sunday, Sept. 20 featuring food, music, dancing, magic show, games and prizes for children and games for adults. (216) 749-7980. Emery's Russian exile ends with NHL return - Problem was, there were times he was the life of the party in Ottawa. That was all until he started skipping practice and tangling with teammates. Mi駻coles, 02 Septiembre 2009 - EL PASO TEXAS - Activities Inflatable games, UFO Play System, Quarterback Blitz, Medieval Joust, Bungee Run, a Velcro wall and more. A Zone for children ages 6 Upper Township Community News - The event will include food, games for kids, 50/50 contest, a bucket auction, a dog parade and a best dressed dog contest. All breeds of dogs are welcome. Beer and family to hit Old Town Torrance - What: Torrance Block Party, which will include a craft beer festival, arts and crafts booths, children's games and musical entertainment on two stages.

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