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Monday, Monday - Please, for your own good and the good of everyone else who comes to this website, move on and let's all just look forward. Let go of the past. m: have you Culture Shlock: 'Spinning' the Web to nab your dream job - and "Even though it's not in my job description, boss still lets me pick up her dry cleaning and walk her she's so great!" Luckily for millennials Best Gadgets in Games - In No One Lives Forever, you have a more novel option: The electronic poodle. As cartoons have taught us, every male in the world is attracted to High school football previews - Go to the concession stand at your own risk when the Leemen, Gladiators and Cougars are on offense. are likely to miss a memorable moment when the ball 5 reasons Matthew Stafford left UGA without a title - Wayne Pease be with . Still, under Richt, 82 wins in 8 seasons ain't bad. All gas bags better check your own WL's before crowing. Staying focused is top concern for Eagles backup QB Kolb - Obviously, I missed a hot throw," Kolb said. " don't want to start off a drive like that. Start off your season like that. My main concern was getting 10 Reader Tips for Staying Happy in Tough Times - -Milore, Providence, RI If can't find a job in your own field, take this chance to do something you have always wanted to do. Whether are short on Once a Marine, always a Marine - That's why I wear my tags. One is for a corporal named Richard O. Quill, who was under Cannon's command at Camp Pendleton in California. Michael Vick's Contrition - The lack of biblical understanding in your column is astounding, and for your own sake should be wiser than to classify any man as anything, Is the video game industry playing our kids? - Do your sons know 're trading in their games? Midnight asked. No. But since I no longer keep a gaming system in my house, the point is mute. Jim Harrington: Tempest right at home at Scottish Games - Concerts are included in the regular admission price ($8-$12), which also entitles to enjoy the athletic contests, dancing, sheep trials and other Upper Township Community News - Bring your own table. Tuckahoe Methodist Church on Route 49 in Tuckahoe is hosting a yard sale on Sept. 12 from 9 am to 2 pm Proceeds benefit the Tuckahoe

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