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Anime fantasy finds devoted fans in San Antonio - They dress up as and play their favorite characters. Some recreate the cartoon music videos, performing the choreography themselves. Nickelodeon/Viacom Consumer Products Introduces 'Mad Style By True - Kids can log on to view images of the line, get weekly style tips, play dress-up games, and more. One of the hottest and fastest-growing shows for kids, Teenage Vampires Part 1 - The boys began to dress in all black Victorian gothic clothing, often wearing pale make-up and painting their fingernails black. The lure of Lonach - Attired in full Highland dress and carrying battle pikes and Lochaber axes, the clansmen marched over the hills for about six miles. 4-H having a birthday - By 1911, she had organized Tomato Clubs for girls interested in home economics. She soon became the first Tar Heel home demonstration agent and eventually Wil Wheaton Interview Part Two - Wil Wheaton: One of my first columns at Suicide Girls was called Have the Geek Inherited the Earth? I examined that because I remember growing up and The Five Worst Things About Disney - Hannah Montana herself does because of how she dresses and she just reinforces the messages that girls need to wear short skirts and dress provacatively. Technology Has Changed How Our Children Play Games - This can include games for girls that include their favorite actress or pop star. Role playing games like dress up games are healthy, and they increase Best of San Diego 2009 - Kill time by brushing up on dating tips at Borders Bookstore (668 Sixth Avenue) or playing dress-up at Urban Outfitters (665 Fifth Avenue), Enjoy your favorites while you can - Please spare a line for Venus' US Open dress! It's simple and elegant, yet so detailed it merits a meditation on the dress itself. Wish the camera crew felt Mattel's "Dora Links" Doll Available for Pre-Order Beginning Sept. 1 - learning, empowerment and teamwork combined with the traditional play patterns that girls love (hair, pretend play, and dress up). Starting today, girls Community Calendar - Boys and girls ages pre-k to sixth grade are invited to join AWANA Boys and Pioneer Girls. Seventh and eighth grades are welcome to become a member of Power

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