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Ocean County Happenings - Outdoor barbecue, prizes, children welcome. Food will be served starting at 2 pm Call 425-6207. Sign up to bring your favorite dish or dessert to share. Indian River Community Calendar, updated Sept. 2 - Downtown Friday: Music, food, booths, children's activities and more. Historic Downtown Vero Beach, 14th Ave., 5:30-8:30 pm, Oct. 23. Free. Heifer Project News - Heifer's founder, a Midwestern farmer named Dan West, served as a Church of the Brethren relief worker rationing milk to hungry children during the Spanish Faith Notes - Contact Clare Maynard, director of Children's Ministries. * Chancel Choir Consider being a part of the Centreville Presbyterian Church Chancel Choir. 0904 Hometown Happenings - The program is designed for children 3-5 years old and is filled with age appropriate stories, finger plays, songs and more. The program is free of charge Education Notes - Union Church of Hinsdale accredited Early Childhood Programs announced additional morning session openings available for toddler and preschool aged children Fauquier Entertainment Calendar - bagpipe competitions and performances, Scottish country dancing, fiddling events, sheep herding demonstrations, children's games, musical performances, Motherwell church gives kids hope - Members of the non-denominational Christian church lay on weekly activities such as football, dancing, singing, games, and arts and crafts. Spare Times - With games for children, boat rides and food. Saturday and Sunday, 11 am to 4 pm, and Monday, 11 am to 3 pm (888) 973-2767 or (860) 572-0711; Around Town - Adult Children of Alcoholic or Dysfunctional Families and Codependents Anonymous meeting, noon-1 pm every Friday, Northern Light United Church, Community Calendar - This program is for children turning three years old and four years old by Sept. 1. Contact the church office at (847) 367-7050, or see our web site at Calendar of Events - There are speaking parts for both children and adults. Audition times are from 2-4pm at the First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall, with call backs that