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0904 Hometown Happenings - Lecture classes do not require registration, but hands-on classes require preregistration. The public is welcome. For information, visit the club's Web site Community Online Calendar - BASC club is a free, large, online group with event listings for Christian single adults around the SF Bay Area. Right in the Middle of the City, a Place to Get Away From It - (Registration for this weekend has closed, though there is still time to register for the last campout of the season in Manhattan on Sept. Analysis: Remembering the Video Game Console Demo Disc - Gamers who were wise enough to send in the registration cards that came along with their games, systems, and magazine subscriptions were sometimes treated Tri-town news and community briefs - There is no registration fee, and free tee shirts will be given to those who raise at least $25 in pledges. To obtain registration forms, or to learn more Calendar: Week of Sept. 3-10 - Registration will commence at 9 am and the walk will kick off at 10:30 am with a special Blessing of the Animals to follow. The day will feature free food Waynesboro Recreation announces upcoming programs - Waynesboro Parks and Recreation is currently taking registration for tennis lessons. Please call 942-6735. Ages 7 12 starting Saturday September 5, 19, Local Beat 9/3/09 - Registration will be from 8 to 8:30 am with introductions and announcements from 8:30 to 9 am From 9 am to 10:30 am the topic will be Let's Get Started Signups and Tryouts - MANASQUAN INLINE HOCKEY is now accepting Fall 2009 online registration at for area boys and girls interested in playing competitive Between the Lines - All skill levels are welcome and there are no tryouts. To register online go to or contact Marisa Santella at 544-2995. Religion Calendar - A $60 registration fee is required for materials. For more information call Michelle Schmidt at (734) 367-0353 or e-mail to PokerTek Announces Private Placement of Common Stock - PokerTek is relying on an exemption from the registration requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, in issuing the shares provided by Section

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