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IBC 2009 Exhibitor Profiles - Options include full memory playback with Touch Screen Control. Company: ADI video technologies, ltd. Stand: Hall 5, stand A03 Media Contact: Christine Ben Transfer deadline day as it happened - From Glenn, Sydenham, via text on 81111: "I loved Champ Man 01/02, Taribo West on a free who always turned out to be the best defender in the game! Fun With Technology: LiveLine Camera, and a Mimo Monitor on the Side - LiveLine, currently in beta, offered an interesting proposition- give away the camera for free, and sell the blades er, monthly subscription. The un-Netbook: Acer laptop hits $279 at Best Buy - Then you would have Ubuntu for fast, virus-free operation & Windows if/when you need it. I use Ubuntu for everything but I have friends who boot into Microsoft's curious lack of ambition in mobile - I tried out a few, but the whole "stylus on a resistive touch screen" user experience was underwhelming. I decided to wait a few years until the Windows Dell's Mini 12 bites the dust (but the Mini 9 is still hanging on) - Additionally, Dell saddled its Mini 12 with Windows Vista -- a kiss of death for a Netbook if there ever was one. A good point is also made by TechCrunch's Mobile Segment Rising in Communications Industry - The iPhone has been a game changer. The Palm Pre is a great evolution on the iPhone. Its part iPhone, part BlackBerry, and everything I wanted Windows Vodafone First to Bring New Exclusive Windows Phone From LG to - 3, 2009 Vodafone and LG Electronics today announced the launch of the LG GM750, a new Windowsョ phone based on Windows Mobile 6.5 available Oct. 6. Microsoft coy on apps for Zune HD - If they can port (or make it easy to port) Windows Mobile apps, they would have a massive library soon enough. by Renegade Knight August 25, Got Apps? - "The future of computers is mobile," says Prof. Elliot Soloway, who started teaching an instantly popular iPhone applications class this earlier year at the Samsung Mondi SWD-M100 - The good: The Samsung Mondi has generous feature set, an easy-to-use touch-screen, and an attractive design. The bad: The Samsung Mondi uses Windows Mobile Introducing Android - Windows Mobile? Everyone has a different kind of phone. ACME is forced to choose one or, worse, all of the above. Some platforms allow for free applications

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