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Atlanta hitmakers visit Ballroom - Collective Soul, out on a North American tour in support of its forthcoming CD on Loud & Proud/Roadrunner Records, will perform at the Hampton Beach Casino The 'Do' List - 21, for concert at the Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom, 169 Ocean Blvd., Hampton Beach, NH Doors open at 6 pm Show starts at 8 pm General admission is $31. The Do List - The legend BB King plays the Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom on Friday, Aug. 28, in an 18 and older show. Doors open at 6 pm Show starts at 8 pm Tickets are A new blend of energy - In 1966 they landed the job of house band at the Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom. In 1967-68, they toured New England, opening for acts like The Beach Boys, Calendar 8/27 to 9/6/09 - Teen Rock Concert at Ponquogue Beach, Hampton Bays. 8 to 10 pm Local high school bands perform. Free. 702-1960. What I Like About You Long Island's East Nightlife: the week ahead - town filming Adam Sandler's Grown Ups.'' 18+. Aug. 22, 8 pm $25-$45. Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom, Hampton Beach, NH 603-929-4100, VMA Nods: Crazy Britney Spears Being Lured as Ratings Bait - The couple later hit up Philippe Chow's Lily Pond restaurant for the after party of Gotham/Hampton magazine's screening of Kutcher's film Spread. 0814 Hometown Happenings - 5, at its Club House located at 8151 Hampton St., Brooksville. Music will be provided by Marti Carroll. Bring own beverages. Ice, coffee and hot tea will be Little Feat; These United States heading for NH; Lynch signs - Jon Papandrew, operations manager at the Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom, has been welcoming major musicians to Hampton for more than a decade. Post-affair Ensign gets mixed results in Nevada - The woman, Cindy Hampton, was treasurer for two Ensign-controlled campaign committees. Hampton's husband, Doug, was Ensign's administrative assistant in his Why I Love the Sport of Boxing - Ward won a unanimous decision at Hampton Beach Casino in New Hampshire. That may have been the best fight, but it is not my strongest memory. It's Happening Here - 22, and will leave Todds Shopping Center, Hampton, at 4:15 am It will benefit Relay for Life. The price is $70 per person. For more information, contact

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