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Levi Johnston: Palin Wanted to Adopt Son - Bristol was underaged when she got pregnant, which means that the father, whether it be at-the-time-adult-aged Johnston, or whether he is covering for Kids' search terms: Sex, games, rock 'n' roll - The computer may be in "child" mode even though an adult is browsing. One may be able to look at an entire session of browsing and perhaps see a pattern Summer of unsavory incidents a blow to Chicago Blackhawks' image - And maybe he still is all that, but Sunday's news is a reminder that sometimes PR restraint isn't such a bad thing, especially involving a young adult. First sexual encounters - In other cases, children disclose sexual abuse, but the adult does not believe them and does not take the necessary steps to stop the abuse. Station Break with Paul Farhi: Pop Culture: Redskins Marketed - Plus, reality TV turns (even more) lurid.... Paul Farhi: Greetings, all, and welcome 'round...So I watched the Redskins-Steelers preseason game on TV "I Didn't Make the Team" - Attitudes and behavior taught to children in sports carry over to adult life. Parents should take an active role in helping their child develop good The anticipation is building for...the Gophers season - In reality, Cosgrove is running the defense. He's the one making the calls. At Wisconsin he had success. At Nebraska he failed badly. Video Games | The Beatles: Rock Band - With all due respect to Wii Sports, no video game has ever brought more parents together with their teenage and adult children than The Beatles: Rock Band Teen stabs man multiple times in Cambridge robbery attempt, police say - He wants to do an adult crime he can do some adult time...... too bad he wasn't able to kill the punk and do us all a favor cleaning out the garbage. Parenting left to grandmothers as Aids takes toll - Grandmothers bury their adult children and start the role of parenting all over again, caring for their orphaned grandchildren. They have mourned all their Jaycee Lee Dugard's prison: First pictures of filthy backyard jail - Prison camp: A child's deckchair stands with two adult chairs in a dusty yard beside a collection of pot plants. Empty cans, a vase and an old saucepan lie Piece of magic from mime and shadow antics - A brother and sister - ostensibly adult, but behaving like children with behavioural problems - thrash around in a shared space that they seem unable to

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